10 Best Bodyweight Crossfit Workouts (WODs)

Dr. Susan Evans
crossfit bodyweight workouts

You don’t always need a barbell or dumbbell to perform any high-intensity workouts. If you didn’t pay enough attention to endurance and gymnastics, then bodyweight crossfit workouts can be the hardest test of performance for your body.

“Chelsea Crossfit WOD has proven that it is possible to achieve a powerful response of the cardiorespiratory system with the help of simple gymnastic complexes.”, — written in CrossFit magazine from 2004.

Top 10 Crossfit Bodyweight Workouts

There are many options that we can choose from when it comes to workouts without equipment. But here are just a few of them:

1. Murph Crossfit WOD

In this workout for endurance, you can perform:

  • A Run for 1 mile;
  • 100 pull-ups;
  • 200 push-ups;
  • 300 air squats;
  • Another 1 mile run.
murph crossfit bodyweight workout

Murph is a bodyweight workout named after Michael Murphy (USN Lieutenant) who died in Afghanistan in 2005. CrossFit gyms around the world do a “Murph” on Memorial Day to honor the fallen warriors. The training was introduced at the Games in 2015. Samantha Briggs (Games champion in 2013) dominated the women’s division finishing the race in just 39 minutes. Karl Gudmundsson won the first place among men finishing in 38 minutes and 36 seconds.

2. Chelsea Crossfit WOD

This workout – the EMOM, should last no longer than 30 minutes:

  • 5 pull-ups;
  • 10 push-ups;
  • 15 air squats.
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Result: complete the number of movements and exercises in the allotted time given.

chelsea crossfit bodyweight workout

Unlike AMRAP “Cindy”, in “Chelsea” the first round is performed at the beginning of every minute and so on for thirty minutes. Both workouts combine the same bodyweight exercises: pull-ups, push-ups and squats. If you couldn’t finish all the reps before the end of the minute, then switch to Cindy and do as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes.

3. JT Crossfit WOD

In this exercise, we must perform 3 sets consisting of 21, 15 and 9 reps on each exercise:

  • Handstand push-ups;
  • Ring dips;
  • Push-ups from the floor.
jt crossfit bodyweight workout

JT is another crossfit WOD dedicated to War hero Petty Officer 1st Class Jeff Taylor (June 2005). A complex combination of exercises seriously strains the upper body. If you want to pass the true test of gymnastic strength, then do all these movements strictly.

4. The Fifth Task of CrossFit Regionals 2014

Complete 10 laps for the exercise:

  • 1 legless rope climb;
  • 60m sprint.
crossfit regionals 2014 bodyweight workout

WOD consists of only one exercise: lifting yourself on a rope without using your legs. It requires a “smart” strategy to not burn out before completing all ten rounds. The 60-meter sprint is more suitable for recreation and gives you a slight break from the rope climb.

5. Mary Crossfit WOD

AMRAP 20 minutes:

  • 5 handstand push-ups;
  • 10 pistols;
  • 15 pull-ups.
mary bodyweight workout

Mary is an improved version of “Cindy”. You need to perform the maximum number of repetitions in 20 minutes. You can scale this crossfit bodyweight workouts. Perform push-ups in a handstand, placing your feet on the box, do pistols holding on to the rings, and pull-ups on a low crossbar. Do as many round as possible in 20 minutes.

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6. Garrett Crossfit WOD

Complete 3 laps for this exercise:

  • 75 air squats;
  • 25 ring hspu;
  • 25 l-pull-ups.
garrett crossfit bodyweight workout

Garrett is a heroic WOD in honor of Marine Captain Garrett “Tubes” Lawton (died on August 4, 2008). Ring HSPU was a challenge at the CrossFit Games in 2010. But today they should not be a problem for any high-class athlete. If you want to scale the exercise, just do push-ups on the rings while keeping your feet on the floor.

7. Tabata Something Else Crossfit WOD

Finish 32 intervals (20 seconds worktime, 10 seconds rest):

  • Tabata pull-ups;
  • Tabata push-ups;
  • Tabata sit-ips;
  • Tabata squats.
tabata bodyweight workout

Tabata Something Else is a bodyweight workout that everyone can do. 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest: 8 rounds per exercise. If you don’t know how to do pull-ups and push-ups yet, then do pull-ups to lower heights on a crossbar instead, and push-ups from the box or on your knees to make this movement easier.

8. Jason Crossfit WOD

For this exercise:

  • 4 Sets – Do 100-75-50-25 reps of air squats;
  • 4 Sets – Do 5-10-15-20 reps of ring muscle ups.

Score: The best time required to complete all repetitions.

jason crossfit bodyweight workout

Bodyweight workout is named after Jason Dale Lewis, who died on July 6, 2007 during the fighting in Baghdad (Iraq). He was awarded the Medal of Honor. The exercise starts with 100 squats and 5 exits. Following the scheme -25 squats and +5 ups, the workout ends with 25 and 20 reps. If you do not know how to complete pull ups on the rings, then perform them on the horizontal bar or scale.

9. The Migraine Crossfit WOD

Perform this exercise by completing:

  • 1000…-100m row;
  • 100…-10 double unders.
the migraine crossfit bodyweight workout

This bodyweight workout is designed to practice patience against the background of fatigue. Start with a row of 1000 meters and 100 doubles. Next, proceed to 900 meters and 90 doubles. Follow this pattern until you reach the last 100 meters and 10 doubles. The total will be 5,5 km distance on a rowing simulator and 550 double jumps.

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10. TAG 2015 Crossfit WOD

This exercise should be performed for 20 minutes:

  • 100 brmo;
  • max distance row, until fatigue.

Score: total number of meters in rowing.

tag 2015 crossfit bodyweight workout

This is the first qualification task of the 2015 CrossFit Games. Previously known as the “Battle of London”, it is Europe’s largest Crossfit event. Start with burpee. When you finish the last repetition, switch to the rowing machine and complete the maximum distance until the end of 20 minutes. If you need a good workout to control and manage your thoughts, then this bodyweight WOD will definitely suit you.


To sum up, it should be said that crossfit bodyweight workouts are an extremely effective method for training at all levels. It is not necessary to practice with a barbell to achieve results. The unique feature of these WODs is that they can be performed outside the gym (on the street or even at home).

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Crossfit Bodyweight Workouts?

Crossfit bodyweight workouts are exercises that can be performed without special equipment being needed. They can be done using nothing but your own body weight

What does WOD Stand for in Crossfit?

WOD (Workout of the Day) is a task for an athlete for the day. Crossfit bodyweight workouts are so varied that it is unlikely that you will encounter the same routines daily or even weekly in this training process.

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